owned and managed by d amani cottontherapy 002147196-u

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

GIVEAWAY #6 winners

assalamualaikum and hi everyone

we're very eager to start the new year with this giveaway, but somehow got stuck when it comes to announcing the winners...when have all the determinations not to procrastinate go, so fast and so easily?

anyway, we have chosen four (4) winners for this giveaway; they are:
Syazwani Adnan
and each one of them will get one simply imagine (multi) panel and 0.5 yard of simply imagine (multi).

congratulations to all winners! could all of you fill up the order form with all your details (for shipping purposes)?
once again, we would like to thank all of you who've participated and supported us. please look forward to participating in our next giveaway!
take care...


  1. Assalammualaikum,

    Alhamdulillah, Thank you Allah, thank you d'amani cottontherapy. Semoga sentiasa berada dalam rahmat Allah dan dimurahkan rezeki selalu hendaknya.
